
CV & Publications





Personal Data:


Chinese names: 戴迈河, 戴戎

Address: 4026 Vivian Street

               San Diego, CA 92115

Email: michaelmartinday@yahoo.com, mday@nu.edu

Skills & Experience:


- Over 30 years teaching experience (modern Chinese literature 中囯現代文學 &

English language literature, Asian history & culture, World Literature, World History & Culture, Mandarin Chinese language 汉语, Chinese-English translation, and EFL/ESL.)

- 15 years’ experience teaching and designing courses on online platforms

- 3 years’ professional editorial/journalism experience (China business and trade)

- 5 years’ experience as short-course intensive EFL school manager in the UK

- 7 years living in China

- 7 years living in the Czech Republic

- Fluent in English and Chinese (Mandarin 普通话), basic knowledge of Czech and





2005.10 Ph.D. in Chinese Studies/Literary History from Leiden University, the Netherlands (Prof. Maghiel van Crevel, advisor; Prof. Michel Hockx, SOAS, outside reader); official graduation on 4 October 2005. China's Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992:

            See: https://projects.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/archive2/DACHS_Leiden/poetry/md.php

and: https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/57725


1997 TESL Certificate

Vancouver School of English as a Second Language, Canada


1994.5 Master of Arts Degree, Modern Chinese Literature

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

See: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/831/items/1.0087179


1985 Bachelor of Arts Degree, Asian Studies/Chinese Language

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada


1977 Grade 12 High School Diploma; General Academic Studies

Neah-Kah-Nie High School, Rockaway, Oregon, USA



Work Experience etc.:


Jan. 2007 – June 2020: Professor, Dept. of Arts & Humanities, COLS

National University, San Diego, CA

July 2020 to Present – Adjunct Professor of World and Chinese Literature and History.

- Member of the NU Senate Research & Scholarship Committee, 2009-2010,


- Member of the NU Senate Academic Freedom and Responsibility Committee,

2015-16, 2017-18, 2019-2020

- Member of the NU COLS Grade Appeal Committee, 2010-2012, 2012-2014,

2016-2018, 2018-2020

- Member of the General Education Committee, 2010-2011

- Member of the Graduate Council, 2011-2013; GC Academic Planning

Committee member, 2013-2015

- Member of the SaaS (Software as a Service) Task Force, 2018-2019

- Staffing Lead responsible for adjunct staffing and hiring for onsite courses in San

Diego County for ILR 260 (July 2014 to June 2020); also, for ASL San Diego region

(April 2012 to June 2020); and for ENG 334A online and San Diego region (April

2012 to June 2020); adjunct staffing and hiring for onsite courses in San Diego region

for the Spanish Program (March 2010 to 2014).

- Program Lead for & designer/developer of Chinese Studies Program, 2007-2011

(program now defunct)

- Courses Taught:

HIS 233 & 234 (World Civilizations I & II);

HIS 346 & 355 (Chinese History & Culture I & II);

HIS 348: Asian Studies - East Asia (Korea, Japan, & Vietnam to WWII);

LIT 100: Introduction to Literature;

LIT 463: 20th Century World Literature, now Contemporary World Literature (since 2020)

ENG 640: Seminar in Poetry (2 sections: 18th Century English Graveyard Poetry; Influences of Haiku & East Asian Poetics on English Language Poetry);

ENG 670: Comparative Literary Studies (The Short Stories of Lu Xun & The Scholars of

                 Wu Jingzi);

HIS 658: Seminar in Modern China (Qing Dynasty to 1949);

SPN 341: Cross-Cultural Communication;

FYA 101: First Year Seminar, Arts & Humanities.


May 2016 – present: Academic Committee Member of ACULEL/Archive for Chinese

Underground Literature and Exile Literature 中国地下文学暨流亡文学文献馆

under the auspices of Independent Chinese PEN (http://www.chinesepen.org/  独立中文





Oct, 2003 – present, Library of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Leiden

University, The Netherlands

- Topical Contributor responsible for Chinese Poetry and Modern Literature in general for the Digital Archive of Chinese Studies (DACHS), a joint project between Leiden University, the Netherlands, and the University of Heidelberg, Germany. See: https://projects.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/archive2/DACHS_Leiden/poetry/


Oct. – Dec. 2006 China Center, Mingda Institute of Leadership Training

290 Humphrey Center, University of Minnesota

301-19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55455

- Part-time instructor (50 classroom hours in Academic Vocabulary, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Educational Philosophies course for 34lecturers from various universities in Beijing)


2000-June 2005 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Dept. of Sinology

- Lecturer in Modern Chinese Poetry 中国现代诗歌, Advanced Reading in Chinese 高级阅读课程毛泽东文选, Chinese-English Translation, Academic English, and editorial work on department publications.


2005, 03, 02, 01, 00 ACCENT (ACL), Liphook, Hampshire, UK

(6-week EFL courses in UK during July/August)

- Course Director (Management of EFL instructors, program and course development, liaison between foreign student coordinators and ACCENT, tour operators, bus company, etc.)


2000/09-2003/06 Caledonian School, Prague

1997-1999 - Instructor of EFL, Mandarin Chinese


1999/06-09 Pilgrims School of English, Canterbury, Kent, UK

- EFL instructor and teacher-trainer


1997/06-08 Iris Hackl Sprachenschule, Ketsch, Germany

- Instructor of General and Business English for Adults


1996/05-08 University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada

1995/05-08 - Chinese Language Lecturer (Intensive program, beginners and elementary 基础汉语; responsible for testing, marking, and management of two assistants)


1995/09-96/05 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

1994/09-95/05    - Assistant Lecturer: Introduction to East Asian History &

1992/09-93/05      Culture, and 中国现代文学 (Modern Chinese Literature), responsible for lectures on post-1949 literature, weekly seminars, testing and marking


1985-1997 CHINA CONNECTIONS Consulting (Partnership), Vancouver

- (part-time) Translation, journalism, specialized language instruction, seminars, & lectures


1992/01-97/05 Teachers’ Tutoring Service, Vancouver, Canada

- (part-time) Instructor of: ESL, (Mandarin) Chinese, Literature and Asian Studies


1990/10-91/10 Standard China Trade, bi-monthly magazine based in Hongkong

- Assistant Editor (managed writers based in the PRC), writer, translator


1989/09-90/09 Xi’an Foreign Languages University 西安外语大学, 陕西省

- Instructor of General English and American & English Literature


1990/02-08 Xi’an Grand Hotel (ACCOR Group), Shaanxi, China

- Director of English Language and European Culture programs


1987/07-88/09 New World Press, Foreign Language Bureau 外文局, Beijing

- Editor, writer, and translator of books on Chinese literature, history, culture, & economy


1986/09-87/07 West South China Sea Oil Corp. Training Center, Zhanjiang 湛江, Guangdong province 广东省, China

- Instructor of General English


1986/05-08 University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

- Joint-Lecturer (Intensive Chinese, beginners 基础汉语; responsible for conversational Mandarin Chinese and listening)



Academic Awards, etc.:


2014 Excellence in Online Content Award, National University


2008 College of Letters and Sciences nominee for the 2008 National

University Research Award


2003-04 CCK Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship http://www.cckf.org/en/programs/recipients/2002/01846


1995 Iser Steiman Memorial Scholarship for Translation, U.B.C.


1989 Ph.D. Fellowship, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (declined)


1988 U.B.C. Graduate Fellowship


1985 Tina and Morris Wagner Foundation Fellowship, U.B.C.


1982-84: Canada-China Cultural Exchange Scholarship

U. of Shandong 山东大学,Ji’nan 济南市, China (1982-1983)

U. of Nanjing 南京大学, Jiangsu 江苏省, China (1983-1984)


1981-82: Three U.B.C. Undergraduate Scholarships


1976-77: Who’s Who Among American High School Students





Lists of Publications, Presentations, Etc.



Publications (academic etc. from 2007)


1)   Translation of A City of Massacres: A selection of the poetry of Liao Yiwu《屠城:廖亦武詩選》, a bilingual book, Tendency publishing, Taibei, Taiwan, May 2022.

2) Translation of Streaking in Stockholm 《斯德哥爾摩裸奔記》, a bilingual illustrated book (384 pages), written by Meng Huang 孟煌 and Wang Yiliang 王一, published in Taibei, Taiwan by PsyGarden 心靈工坊, March 2, 2022.      ISBN9789863572305


3) Translation of “A Genocidal War Waged by a Gigantic Empire Against a Tiny Poet”  by Liao Yiwu, October 6, 2020: https://chinachange.org/2020/10/06/a-genocidal-war-waged-by-a-gigantic-empire-against-a-tiny-poet/?fbclid=IwAR3GaMfhe3lAY1yi80d4mv8cpZLGL8MZMfi1HlPmd1B9VKI3FinvES1Q_ac


4) Publication of translation of essay by Liao Yiwu, “I’m a Hongkonger – A New Cold War has Begun”, October 1, 2019: https://chinachange.org/2019/09/30/im-a-hongkonger-a-new-cold-war-has-begun/

- https://hongkongfp.com/2019/10/01/new-cold-war-beijing-west-i-hongkonger/


5) Translation of appeal letter written by Liao Yiwu for Yang Wei in Toronto, Canada, in protest against his pending extradition to China. Yang Wei is a former political prisoner still wanted for outstanding political crimes in China. Translation of letter “Oppose the Repatriation of Political Prisoners” on Facebook on August 25, 2019: https://www.facebook.com/yiwu0619/posts/1476963965813724

     - Letter and phone interview with me used in story by Nathan Vanderklippe, published in The Toronto Globe & Mail, August 28, 2019: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-former-chinese-democracy-activist-convicted-of-violent-crimes-in/

     - The Facebook essay translation also cited in Ian Johnson’s NY Times piece “Canada Deports Chinese Dissident, Brushing Off Concerns He Faces Jail”: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/08/28/world/asia/canada-yang-wei-deportation-china.html


6) Publication of one of my translations of Mi Jialu’s poetry in Chinese Literature Today, volume 8.1, August 2019, p. 87, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma. https://clt.oucreate.com/

7) Publication on July 12/13, 2019, online and in print by the Washington Post of my translation of an essay written by Liao Yiwu in commemoration of the deceased Nobel laureate, Liu Xiaobo, as well as two of Liu’s letters: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/07/12/liu-xiaobo-died-two-years-ago-honor-his-memory-read-his-letters/

8) Publication of three of my translations of Mi Jialu’s poetry in Poetry Sky Summer 2019 《诗天空》2019夏季: http://www.poetrysky.com/quarterly/53/mijialu.html?fbclid=IwAR0Yoxv_q4_xULZghN8n5ERro8-wOmyoA9WTq5GrOd_G7mDzXeC0oGj_4Qk

9) Publication of my translation of Liao Yiwu’s long 1986 poem “City of Death” by The Leeds Centre of New Chinese Writing, with Liao featured as the writer of the month of June 2019: https://writingchinese.leeds.ac.uk/book-club/june-2019-liao-yiwu-%E5%BB%96%E4%BA%A6%E6%AD%A6/

-          And publication of an email interview with me about translation etc: https://writingchinese.leeds.ac.uk/2019/06/28/talking-translation-michael-m-day/


10) Publication of and readings (with Liao) from my translation of Liao Yiwu’s collection of prison poetry and other writings as Love Songs from the Gulags on June 4th, 2019, in London, UK, by Barque Press: https://www.facebook.com/events/beara-beara-cafe/87-x-barque-press-liao-yiwu-launch/2384442358469904/    http://www.barquepress.com/publications.php?i=104

-Excerpts from the launch, including poetry readings by Liao Yiwu, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw5mwW8X5AQ

11) Publication of my translation of “Afterword: The Last Moments of Liu Xiaobo”, pp. 231-254 in Liao Yiwu’s book Bullets and Opium: Real-Life Stories of China After the Tiananmen Square Massacre (NYC: Signal Press/Atria, May 6, 2019). https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Bullets-and-Opium/Liao-Yiwu/9781982126643

12) Publication of my translation of Human Rights appeal written by Liao Yiwu (as well as three poems by Wang Yi) - A Brainwashing War: An Appeal for the Poet-preacher Wang Yi, on March 4, 2019 at China Change.org: https://chinachange.org/2019/03/05/a-brainwashing-war-an-appeal-for-the-poet-preacher-wang-yi/  Republished at AsiaNews.it: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/Liao-Yiwu:-Save-the-life-of-Pastor-Wang-Yi.-He-risks-dying-like-Liu-Xiaobo-46476.html  and in Italian translation of my text here: https://www.laogai.it/liao-yiwu-salvate-la-vita-del-pastore-wang-yi-rischia-di-morire-come-liu-xiaobo/  etc.


13) Publication of my translations of 16 poems in Deep Breaths: Collected Poems of Mi Jialu 1981-2018, by Showee Press 秀威版社, Taibei, Taiwan in March 2019: https://www.govbooks.com.tw/books/121121


14) “更重要的是要容有百家’”[More Important is Allowing “A Hundred Schools of Thought”], published as a chapter in 他者眼光与海外视角:世界视野中的中国当代文学 [The View of Others and Overseas Perspectives: China’s Contemporary Literature in the Eyes of the World], 作者:张清华 [edited by Zhang Qinghua],出版社:北京大学出版社 [publisher: Beijing University Press], December 2015, pp. 254-268.





15) Translated poems (3) in forthcoming ??? re-issue of Bei Ling: Selected poems 贝岭诗选1980-2015, an illustrated bilingual collection, originally published by Tendency Publishing, New York 傾向出版社, 2006.


16) Translated poems (Lamp Lighting; At Swallow Rock) by Chen Dongdong 陈东东 in Asia Literary Review, No. 27, Spring 2015, Hong Kong, PRC: http://www.amazon.com/Asia-Literary-Review-Spring-2015-




17) The translation from Chinese of three articles in The Columbia Sourcebook of Literary Taiwan, edited by Prof. Sung-sheng Yvonne Chang, Prof. Michelle Yeh, and Ming-ju Fan; Columbia University Press, September 2014.

- “The Pursuit and Disappearance of Utopia”, by Bai Xianyong (267-271);

- “Random Thoughts: Author’s Preface”, by Chen Ruoxi (271-272);

- “Building a Bridge for Taiwan Literature”, by Lin Ruiming (448-450).




18) Translations of 14 poems by Luo Ying (Huang Nubo) on the World Poetry Movement website (https://www.wpm2011.org/node/418 ), submitted on June 1, 2014.


19) “Liao Yiwu in the City of Death” (in Chinese translation as [六四征文] 爱在六四未临——1989 前的廖亦武与中国地下诗). Free Writing Web Journal (on Independent Chinese Pen website), April 2014: http://www.penchinese.org/magazine/587


20) Publication of translation of Liao Yiwu's poem "Massacre" in Liao's autobiography For a Song and a Hundred Songs: A Poet's Journey through a Chinese Prison (pp. 391-396); New Harvest, NY: June 2013. http://www.amazon.com/For-Song-Hundred-Songs-



21) “更重要的是要容有百家’”[More Important is Allowing “A Hundred Schools of Thought”], an extensive interview on Chinese poetry and translation conducted online in response to questions from the scholar Feng Qiang 冯强, March 14-21, 2012; published in the 2012 #6 issue of the literary journal 长城 [Great Wall]: 159-166, December 2012 (Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, PRC)



22) Two translated poems: "Your Hand" & "I Hear Cups", by Han Dong 韩东 in A Phone Call from Dalian: Selected Poems of Han Dong, edited by Nicky Harman, Zephyr Press (Brookline, MA: December 13, 2011:8-9, 40-41): http://www.amazon.com/Phone-Call-Dalian-Selected-



23) Translation of Huang Nubo’s poetry collection Bunnies [小兔子], published under his penname of Luo Ying 骡英: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, 2010.


24) Book Review of The Rose of Time: New & Selected Poems, [edited by Eliot Weinberger] by Bei Dao 北岛 (New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation, 2009) in Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews (CLEAR) #33 (2011): 180-184.


25) Translations of 14 poems by 10 poets from the PRC in The Frontier Tide: Contemporary Chinese Poetry (中国当代诗歌前浪), Hai An 海岸 & Germain Droogenbroodt, ed.; POINT Editions International, Belgium/Spain, 2009. [List of Poets: Xi Chuan 西川, Han Dong 韩东,

Chen Dongdong 陈东东, Bai Hua 柏桦, Ouyang Jianghe 欧阳江河, Liao Yiwu 廖亦武, Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Zhou Lunyou 周伦佑, Wan Xia 万夏, Tang Yaping 唐亚平] http://www.point-editions.com/


26) The translation of A History of Contemporary Chinese Literature 中国当代文学史by Prof. Hong Zicheng 洪子诚 (Beijing University Press 北京 大学出版社, 1999), Brill, hardcopy 2007 (636 pages). With a “Translator’s Note” and “Glossary of Terms, Organizations, and

Periodicals”, “ Bibliography”, “Titles of Works Cited”, and “Index” all unique to the translated version of the text (a total of 130 pages). Paperback edition (Brill) published 2009. See:


Reviewed here: http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/pubs/reviews/gunn2.htm


27) Chapter <Online Avant-Garde Poetry in China Today> in New Perspectives on Contemporary Chinese Poetry (Chris Lupke ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2008: 201-217) http://www.amazon.ca/New-Perspective-Contemporary-Chinese-Poetry/dp/1403976074/ref=sr_1_4/701-5143725-


This is a version of the paper <Online Poetry and New Cultural Populism in Contemporary China>, a summary of which was presented by Michelle Yeh at the AAS Conference in San Francisco 2006 as part of the panel <Re-inscriptions: Poetic Engagement and Late Socialist Cultural Identity>.

See: http://www.aasianst.org/absts/2006abst/China/C-175.htm

See the review of the New Perspectives chapter by Prof. Maghiel van Crevel at: http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/pubs/reviews/vancrevel2.htm


28) Translation of the essay <I Like Ice 我喜欢冰> and poem <oh piece of ice 献给冰块> by Han Dong 韩东 in Findings On Ice; Hester Aardse & Astrid van Baalen, ed.; Pars Foundation & Lars Muller Publishers, Amsterdam, Oct. 2007:154-155: http://www.parsfoundation.com/PARS.swf


29) Translation of seven poems by Yi Sha 伊沙, two for performance and five for a booklet of ten poems, the others translated by Simon Patton and Tao Naikan, for the 38th Poetry International Festival at Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 16-22 June 2007.




30) Translation of Luo Ying’s 骆英 (Huang Nubo 黄怒波) Chinese poetry collection Empty Glasses and an Empty Table 空杯与空桌, a translator’s preface, and the translation of a critical essay by Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡; Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh, April 2007.



31) China’s Second World of Poetry: The Sichuan Avant-Garde, 1982-1992. Doctoral Thesis; University of Leiden, the Netherlands; Prof. Maghiel van Crevel, advisor. Published as an e-book on 4 October 2005 at: https://projects.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/archive2/DACHS_Leiden/poetry/MD/MD_EBook.pdf and also https://openaccess.leidenuniv.nl/handle/1887/57725

together with scanned details of unofficial journals, photographs, an anthology of the translated work of 20 avant-garde poets from all of China selected from the 1982-1992 period, and other materials: https://projects.zo.uni-heidelberg.de/archive2/DACHS_Leiden/poetry/

Reviewed by Heather Inwood (OSU, 2009) here: http://mclc.osu.edu/rc/pubs/reviews/inwood.htm


32) <The Born-Again Forest [次生林]: A Preliminary Chapter in the Post-Misty Development of Avant-Garde Poetry in China>: January 2005 issue of Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, Vol. 6 No. 1., Lingnan University, Hongkong; Prof. Michelle Yeh (U.C., Davis), guest editor: 52-89. See: http://www.library.ln.edu.hk/etext/clt/cljc/cljc6_1.html


33) <Chinese Poets and June 4, 1989: A Human Response>, a 20-page paper presented at the U. of California, Davis, at the invitation of Prof. Michelle Yeh on June 28, 1995. Published at:



34) China’s Other World of Poetry: Three Underground Poets from Sichuan; 616 pages, M.A. thesis, accompanying translations and original documents; October 1993; available from the U.B.C. Library, Vancouver, Canada, and the University of Heidelberg Sinological Library. The text alone is published at: http://leiden.dachsarchive.org/poetry/previous.html

Relevant translations can be found in the anthology at this site, and bibliographical information can be located in the much-expanded doctoral thesis bibliography.





Presentations (from 2007)


1) Presentation “The Return of the Avant-Garde – the 1980s as Weigh Station of the Past and Future” as part of “Avant-garde Poetry in the Chinese Literary Scene” panel, 12:00-13:30 October 10 and readings from my translations of Liao Yiwu’s Love Songs from the Gulags  at “Chinese Scholars Read from their Translations” session, 18:30-20:00 October 11 at the Rocky Mountain MLA conference at the University of Texas El Paso, October 10-12, 2019.



2) A seminar and readings of Liao Yiwu’s prison poetry with Liao, “Poetry after June 4th --- An Evening with Liao Yiwu”, on June 6th, 5-7pm, at the University of London, School of Oriental & African Studies: https://www.soas.ac.uk/history/events/seaeahistseminar/06jun2019-poetry-after-june-fourth---an-evening-with-liao-yiwu-.html

3) Publication of and readings (with Liao) from my translation of Liao Yiwu’s collection of prison poetry and other writings as Love Songs from the Gulags on June 4th, 2019, in London, UK, by Barque Press: https://www.facebook.com/events/beara-beara-cafe/87-x-barque-press-liao-yiwu-launch/2384442358469904/


Excerpts from the launch, including poetry readings by Liao Yiwu, can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw5mwW8X5AQ

4) A dramatic reading of my translation Liao Yiwu’s long poem “Massacre/Slaughter” with Liao’s accompaniment as part of Rise Up: Tiananmen’s Legacy of Freedom and Democracy, at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, NYC, May 7, 2019: 7-9:00 pm, sponsored by Humanitarian China and PEN America, as part of the PEN World Voices Festival.  https://worldvoices.pen.org/session/rise-up-tiananmens-legacy-of-freedom-and-democracy/?fbclid=IwAR3CZHL3vuuOt46lEd_9-N4MWODsLO69lXWpgyQ8KTF-EqtpgHMYkcRPyv0


5) Presentation: “Continuities and Strengths: The Ebbs and Flows of the Unofficial Poetry Scene in China since 1976” on Panel 10, Contemporary Chinese Discourses, on June 9 at Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) 2018 Conference – Envisioning Global Asia, at WSU, Pullman, WA, June 8-10, 2018: https://www.aspac.wsu.edu/conference-schedule/#


6) Presenter and reader of translated prison poems by Liao Yiwu, with Liao, at the 8th Annual Sussex Poetry, sponsored by the University of Sussex, in Brighton, U.K., June 9-10, 2017:

https://eventium.io/events/1370593672963649/8th-annual-sussexpoetry-festival and https://sussexpofest.wordpress.com/


7) Presentation: “Panel 705: The Boundary between Chinese Literature and World Literature in the Twenty-First Century” on January 8 at Modern Languages Association Convention, Philadelphia, January 5-8, 2017:



8) Presentation: “Is Pax Sinica a Real Possibility?” at Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast 2016 Conference - Imagining Asia: Urbanization, Migration, Exchange, Sustainability, June 10-12, 2016 at CSU Northridge (paper presentation on June 12): https://www.csun.edu/asianstudies-



9) Presentation: Trauma, Culture and Memory in the Work of Liao Yiwu 廖亦武 since the mid-1980sat the Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association Convention at Santa Fe, NM (October 8-10, 2015; presentation on Oct. 8).


10) Presentation: Trauma, Culture and Memory in the Recent Work (2011-2015) of Liao Yiwu 廖亦武at Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) 2015 Conference at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA (June 5-7, 2015; presentation on June 6).


11) A Memorial Event on 25th Anniversary of the Beijing Massacre(六四屠杀25 周年纪念活动), June 3, 2014, at the Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund (the Workers' Educational Association) in Stockholm, Sweden, organized by Swedish PEN and the Chinese Independent PEN. Discussant in a panel moderated by Dr. Irmy Schweiger, associate professor at Stockholm University; other discussants including the London-based Chinese writer Ma Jian 马建; and Dr. Johan Lagerkvist, senior research fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.


12) “Recovering/Rescuing the Past of the PRC: The Land Reform Movement and its Consequences” at Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) 2013 Conference at Monterey Institute of International Studies, CA (June 7-9, 2013, presentation on June 9).


13) “Introduction” of the Chinese author Liao Yiwu 廖亦武 at the opening ceremony of the 12th Internationales Literaturfestival, Berlin, 18:00, 4 September 2012, Haus der Berliner Festspiele; and discussant with Liao on the panel subject “Erinnern sich an das Jahr 1989 in China” at the

Deutsches Theater, Berlin, 20:00, 5 September 2012.





14) <God is Red: A Record of Christianity in Southwestern China or Reasons for Hope? > Presentation of unpublished paper on Liao Yiwu’s book God is Red 上帝是红色的 (HarperOne, 2011) in the Modern China in Religious Dialogue panel (Saturday, 13:30-15:00, June 16, 2012) at the Asian Studies on the Pacific Coast (ASPAC) Annual Conference, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA (June 14-17, 2012):






15) Translator & Discussant for Chinese author Liao Yiwu 廖亦武, October 8, Saturday, 3-5 pm, 2011, Pasadena Pacific Asia Museum, LA County, CA, on the occasion of publication of Liaos book God Is Red: The Secret Story of How Christianity Survived and Flourished in Communist China, HarperOne (September 13, 2011):




16) <Translation or "Common" Sense: Sense of Language and Style in Translation 翻译或者凡意:诗歌翻译中的语感与风格> (Presentation of Paper in Mandarin Chinese). "The Language of Modern Chinese Poetry 中国现代诗歌的语言" conference at Nankai University 南开大学, hosted by that university and the Chinese Association for the Study of Contemporary Literature 中国当代文学研究会. Tianjin, China (PRC), June 25-28, 2011.

- published in 中国现代诗歌的语言国际学术研讨会论文集 , also at:


- a brief summary of conference here: http://blog.china.com.cn/beita/art/6902156.html


17) Poetry reading and colloquium (in Mandarin and English) on the poetry of Huang Nubo 黄努波 at the Huntington Library, San Marino, CA, on the occasion of his $500,000 gift to the Librarys Chinese Garden (the Garden of Flowing Fragrance) on November 7, 2010, and the

publication of my English translation of Huangs Bunnies [小兔子], a collection of poems published under his penname of Luo Ying 骡英: Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc., Pittsburgh, 2010. See: http://www.huntington.org/cal_event_detail.aspx?d=11/7/2010 And:



18) <Chinese Poetry on the Internet: 2000-2010> at New Poetry in China: A Look Back & Reconsideration of Ten Years of a New Century(中国新诗:新世纪十年的回顾与反思), the 3rd Contemporary Poetics Symposium (两岸四地第三届当代诗学论坛) in Beijing, PRC (June

26-27, 2010). Write up (in Chinese) here: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b11fbbd0100jrfr.html and here: http://www.poetry-cn.com/?viewnews-87297


19) <Towards a Poetics of Chinese Internet Poetry> on purpose-created avant-garde poetry on the Internet in Taiwan, presented at the “Modern Chinese Poetry” session (chaired by Paul Manfredi) at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference in Reno, Nevada,

October 10, 2008. See: http://rmmla.wsu.edu/conferences/conf08Reno/programstype.html


20) <When is Poetry ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ in a Field of Anarchy?> on the current state of avant-garde poetry in the People’s Republic of China, presented at the “Modern Chinese Poetry” session (chaired by Heather Inwood) at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference in Snowbird, Utah, October 9, 2009.


21) <Boon or Bust? – The Internet and Chinese Poetry> a paper on the prevalence of and developments in the writing and publishing of classical and new styles of poetry on the Internet in China today, presented on the “Lyricism in Modern East Asian Literatures” panel

(chaired by Michelle Yeh) at the Modern Language Association Conference in Chicago, USA, December 28, 2007. See: http://www.ach.org/mla/mla07/guide.html


22) <On Paper or Online, or Both?> a paper on the relationship between the online and paper publishing of poetry in China today, presented at the “Modern Chinese Poetry” session (chaired by Andrea Lingenfelter) at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference in

Calgary, Canada, October 4, 2007. See: http://rmmla.wsu.edu/conferences/conf07calgary/default.asp


23) <The International Reception of Contemporary Avant-Garde Poetry in China> presented at "Chinese Contemporary Poetry: An Evening of Readings", April 24, 2007, UCLA Faculty Center, UCLA: http://www.international.ucla.edu/showevent.asp?eventid=5810





Other Publications in English etc. (Essays & Translations etc.)


1) BBC World Service interview with Susan Waldram for a program about myself and Liao Yiwu and his recently published book For a Song and a Hundred Songs: A Poet's Journey through a Chinese Prison, recorded live for the BBC by Dr. James Jaurez at the NU SETM studio on June 4, 2013. Broadcast as part of the BBC World Service program “Outlook” on

August 5, 2013 (repeated August 6): http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01crkrn


2) Article: “中国梦,我操!戴迈河” [China Dream, Eff That! Michael Day] on my experiences in China in 1989 and friendships with Liao Yiwu and Liu Xiaobo, based on interviews conducted on April 7-8, 2013 in San Diego, published in NEXT Magazine 壹周刊, Hong Kong, issue # 1213, June 6, 2013: http://hk.next.nextmedia.com/article/1213/16951060


3) Translation of the novel Dog Daddy 狗爸爸 by (Zhou) Weihui () 卫慧, the author of Shanghai Baby 上海宝贝. Completed translation submitted to author October 19, 2006; unpublished to date.


4) Translations of 12 poems by Han Dong 韩东, done together with Prof. Maghiel van Crevel of the U. of Leiden, in booklet form for the 37th Poetry International Festival at Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 17-23 June 2006. http://www.poetry.nl/read/53/poet/id/42382


5) The <General Introduction> and the contribution of translations of poetry by Zhai Yongming 翟永明, Wang Xiaoni 王小妮, Lü De’an 吕德安, Han Dong 韩东, Chen Dongdong 陈东东, Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Ouyang Jianghe 欧阳江河, and Yu Jian 于坚 in the forthcoming anthology The Drunken Boat, with a shorter version published in an associated journal and online, edited by Inara Cedrins, USA-Latvia (see: http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/chinafeature.html ). Other contributors of essays and translated poetry include Prof. Michelle Yeh (for the print anthology) and Prof. Maghiel van Crevel.


6) <Avant-Garde Poetry in China during the Post-Mao Era> (pp. 56-58), the translation of <The Holey Prison of the Soul is Bound to Collapse –The Future of the Internet and Freedom of Speech in China 漏洞百出的灵魂监狱必将坍塌 互联网与中国言论自由的未来> by Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波 (pp. 10-11), and the translation of the Bai Hua 柏桦poem <Reality 现实> (p. 57) in the The Liberal; London, UK; Issue VII, February / March 2006. http://www.theliberal.co.uk/back_issues/# and



7) Translations of poetry by Lin Hengtai 林亨泰, Zheng Jiongming 郑炯明 & Zhan Che 詹澈 in Sailing to Formosa: A Poetic Companion to Taiwan 航向福尔摩莎:诗想台湾; editors: Michelle Yeh 奚密, Xu Huizhi 许悔之, and M.G.D. Malmqvist; UNITAS: Taipei, Taiwan and University of Washington Press: Seattle & London, 2005.



8) <čínsky psaná literatura (A Survey of Major Events in PRC Poetry 2004)> with Olga Lomova, Lucie Kellnerova, and Zuzana Li; published in Czech in Svetova Literatura (World Literature), Prague, Czech Republic, 2004: 49-60 http://www.scribd.com/doc/3333799/Svtova-literatura-2004

Publication in English of the portion written by M. Day at: http://leiden.dachs-archive.org/poetry/reviews.html (A 2005 edition can also be found here.)


9) <Soucasna cinska poezie I> (A Selection of Chinese poetry, Part I [an introductory essay]) in Literární Noviny (Literary News) [a weekly newspaper], Prague, 21 August 2003, No. 30: 14. (Poems by Huang Xiang 黄翔, Ya Mo 哑默, Shizhi 食指, Duoduo 多多, and Yu Jian 于坚,

translated by Lucie Kalvachova, one of my Modern Chinese poetry class students at Charles U., Prague.)


10) <Soucasna cinska poezie II> (A Selection of Chinese poetry, Part II [an introductory essay]) in Literární Noviny (Literary News), Prague, 28 August 2003, No. 31: 14. (Poems by Hu Dong 胡冬, Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, Chen Dongdong 陈东东, Zhai Yongming 翟永明, Lu Yimin 陆忆敏, and Wang Xiaoni 王小妮, translated by Lucie Kalvachova, one of my Modern Chinese poetry class students at Charles U., Prague.)


11) <Liao Yiwu: Disent po internetu> (Liao Yiwu 廖亦武: Dissent on the Internet) in Literární Noviny (Literary News), Prague, 24 February 2003, No. 9: 11.


12) Translations of: <Blackbird 乌鸦>, <In the Park 在公园里> and <The Northern Station 北站> poetry by Xiao Kaiyu 肖开愚, a Sichuan poet, in Leviathan Quarterly, No. 4, June 2002: Lichfield, UK: 26-28.


13) A 30-page booklet Xiao Kaiyu, containing 9 of this poet’s poems, published by the 33rd Poetry International Festival in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, June 2002.




14) <Únik do světa literatury a politická angažovanost> (Escape to the world of literature and political engagement) in Literární Noviny (Literary News), Prague, 23 May 2001, No. 21: 7.


15) Translations of 5 poems by Lin Ling 林泠(pp. 239-244) and 5 poems by Zhang Cuo 张错(pp. 279-284) in Frontier Taiwan: An Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry, edited by Michelle Yeh 溪密 and M.G.D. Malmqvist, NY: Columbia University Press, 2001.



16) The City of Death, introduction to and translation of <The City of Death 死成> and 3 shorter poems by the Sichuan poet Liao Yiwu 廖亦武, published by Spectacular Diseases, Peterborough, UK, 2000. (34 pages)


17) <The Chinese Department 中文系>, poetry by the Sichuan poet Li Yawei 李亚伟 (pp.12-15), and <The Naming of the Crow 对一支乌鸦的命名> and <A Beer Bottle Cap 啤酒瓶盖> poetry by Yu Jian 于坚 (pp. 40-47), in The Temple, Vol. 2, No. 4, Fall 1998: Walla Walla, Washington, USA. http://www.poetsencyclopedia.com/templemag.shtml


18) <At Swallow Rock 在燕子矶> and <Words about New Poetry 新诗话> poetry by Chen Dongdong 陈东东in The Temple, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 1998: Walla Walla, Washington, USA: 40-41, 44-45. http://www.poetsencyclopedia.com/templemag.shtml


19) <Learning to Write with a Brush 描红练习> short fiction by Han Dong 韩东 in PRISM International, 36.3, Spring 1998, Vancouver, Canada: 54-65. http://prism.arts.ubc.ca/index.html


20) <Robert Capa 罗伯特 喀吧>, <Important Matters 重要的事情>, <Walt Whitman 哗儿特 惠特曼>, <A Night Conversation with the Poet Bly 与诗人伯濑一夕谈> poetry by Wang Yin 王寅in PRISM International, 36.3, Spring 1998, Vancouver, Canada: 50-53.



21) The Songs of Geese … or of the travellings of men, translations of Chinese poetry and an introduction to the Beijing poet Hei Dachun 黑大春, published by Spectacular Diseases, Peterborough, UK, 1996. (30 pages) http://www.ecampus.com/book/094690474X


22) <A White Horse 白马>, poetry by Wang Xiaoni 王小妮, in yefief No. 3, January 1996, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA: 37.


23) <I have a Broom 我有了一把扫帚>, <The Black Room 黑房间>, and <Nightmare 噩梦>, poetry by the Sichuan poetess Zhai Yongming 翟永明 in PRISM International, 34.1, Fall 1995, Vancouver, Canada: 65-67. http://prism.arts.ubc.ca/index.html


24) <The Fat Tornado: Hongkong’s New Governor>, a comment piece in The New Pacific (quarterly magazine), Vancouver, Canada: Fall 1992: 36-39.


25) <Buckaroo Banking: Vancouver’s Asian Banking Bonanza>, in The New Pacific, Vancouver, Canada: Fall 1992: 41-44.


26) <The Business of Law: Vancouver law firms in China>, in The New Pacific, Vancouver, Canada: Fall 1992: 45-48.


27) <Liao Yiwu and ‘Slaughter’ 屠杀> (essay about and translation of this 1989 poem by Liao 廖亦武), in SONOMA MANDALA Literary Review, Sonoma State University, California, USA: Fall 1992: 48-55.


28) <Slaughter 屠杀> (poem by Liao Yiwu 廖亦武), in PEN International: Bulletin of Selected Books, London, UK: Vol. XLII, No. 2, 1992: 92-94. http://www.internationalpen.org.uk/index.php?pid=56


29) <The Howl> (anonymous version of <Slaughter 屠杀> by Liao Yiwu 廖亦武) in New Ghosts, Old Dreams: Chinese Rebel Voices, edited by Geremie Barmé & Linda Javin, New York: Random House Inc., 1991: 100-105. http://www.amazon.com/New-Ghosts-Dreams-Geremie-Barme/dp/0812919270/ref=sr_1_11/104-5722416-



30) <The Stream of Life>, by Hong Feng 洪峰 (pp. 63-75), and <Number Nine Winch Handle Alley>, by Chen Jiangong 陈建功 (pp. 268-294), translations of Chinese fiction in Worlds of Modern Chinese Fiction: Short Stories & Novellas from the People’s Republic, Taiwan and Hongkong, Dr. Michael S. Duke ed., New York: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 1991.



31) <Sino-US Clash Over Intellectual Property Rights>, in Standard China Trade (SCT; a bi-monthly magazine), Hongkong: December 1991, No. 6: 30-34.


32) <Border Regions Hold Key to Future of Sino-Russia Trade>, in SCT, HK: October 1991, No. 5: 54-60.


33) <Devaluation Promotes Exports, Curbs Imports>, SCT, HK: June 1991, No. 4: 46-52.


34) <Shanghai: A Phoenix Rising from the Ashes?>, SCT, HK: April 1991, No. 2: 16-20.


35) <Trade and the China-Hongkong-Taiwan Equation>, SCT, HK: February 1991, No. 1: 16-20.


36) <China Reassesses Trade Controls>, SCT, HK: February, No. 1, 1991: 52-56.



Published Translations into Chinese


1) yefief, Santa Fe, New Mexico, distributed in China and the USA, 1997. Editor and co-translator, with Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡 in Beijing, of yefief No. 3. (yefief is a journal of new poetry and literary essays.)


2) <Liao Yiwu in the City of Death> 廖亦武在死城中 by Michael Day 戴迈 in Critiques of <The City of Death> 死城的批评, an unofficially published book, edited by Liao Yiwu, Chengdu 成都, 1995: 127-138, (an adaptation of the chapter on Liao in M.A. thesis.) at http://leiden.dachsarchive.org/poetry/liaoyiwu.html

— Also in the unofficial poetry journal Explosion 爆炸 2003 issue # 3, edited by Zhang Jie 张杰, published in Henan province, Pingding Mountain 河南省平顶山: 220-226. See:



3) Ariel 艾里尔, by Sylvia Plath, published by Author Publishing House 作家出版社, Beijing, China 1994. (Co-translated with Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡)


4) <The Mistake 误会>, a one-act play by Vaclav Havel, published in Tendency 倾向: New York/Shanghai, No. 2/3, 1994, pp. 256-261. (With Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡) See: http://www.hcclib.net/online/76/017.htm



Publications in Chinese 中文


1) <第三代与当代中国诗歌> (The ‘Third Generation’ and contemporary Chinese poetry), in 动向 (Tendency: a monthly news magazine), 香港 Hongkong: December 1990: 72-73.


2) <中国文学在海外的读者为什么寥寥无几> (Why Chinese literature has so few overseas readers), in 华人世界文学 (Chinese World Literature; a bi-monthly literary journal), 北京Beijing: January 1989, No. 1: 120-124.


3) <文化, 文学 四人谈> (A four-way discussion on culture and literature), in 作家文学月刊 (Author literary monthly), 长春Changchun: January 1989, No. 1: 74-80. (With Liu Xiaobo 刘晓波, Zhou Duo 周舵 and Zong Renfa 宗仁发.)


4) <美国电影大班在国内的反应> (Reactions to the American movie <Taipan> in China), in 深圳青年报 (Shenzhen Youth Daily), Shenzhen: January 5, 1987: 4.



English-language Editing of Translated Texts*


1) Re-Carving the Dragon: Understanding Chinese Poetics, Studia Orientalia Pragensia XXIII, edited by Prof. Olga Lomova. (A collection of essays presented at a conference on Chinese aesthetics at Charles U., Prague, in 2001.) Prague: The Karolinum Press, 2003.


2) My Sister CHINA by Jaroslav Průšek (a memoir of his stay in China 1932-34, first published in Czech, 1940), Prague: The Karolinum Press, 2002. See: http://www.coronetbooks.com/books/m/mysi4868.htm


3) Orientalia Pragensia XIV, Acta Universitatie Carolinae, Philologica I, 2001. Edited by Olga Lomova. Prague: The Karolinum Press, 2002. (A collection of essays on Asian languages, literature, and history.)


* This work was part of my duties at Charles University in Prague, CZ.

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